Dental Terms F-L


Facial: Pertaining to or toward the face (Buccal, Labial).

Filling: Material used to fill cavity or replace part of a tooth.

Fissure: A deep ditch or cleft in the surface of the teeth.

Floss: see dental floss.

Fluoride: A chemical compound used to prevent dental decay, utilized in fluoridated water systems and/or applied directly to the teeth.

Frenum: Muscle fibers covered by a mucus membrane that attaches the check, lips and or tongue to associated dental mucous.

Frenectomy: The removal of a frenum.


Gingiva: The soft tissue that covers the jawbone.  Also referred to as the gums.

Gingivectomy: An inflammation or infection of the gingiva (gum tissue); the initial stage of gum disease.

Gingivitis: An inflammation or infection of the gingiva; the initial stage of gum disease.

Gingivoplasty: A surgical procedure to reshape or repair the gingiva (gum).

Graft: A piece of tissue or synthetic material placed in contact with tissue to repair a defect or supplement a deficiency.

Gum: see gingiva.


Hemisection:  The surgical separation of a multirooted tooth through the furcation area in such a way that the blocked, defective, or periodontally affected root or roots may be removed along with the associated portion of the crown.

High noble metal: See metal, classification of.


Immediate denture: A denture constructed for immediate placement after removal of the remaining teeth.

Impacted tooth: An unerupted or partially erupted tooth that is positioned against another bone or soft tissue so that total eruption is unlikely.

Implant: An artificial device, usually make of a metal alloy or ceramic material that is implanted within the jawbone as a means to attach an artificial crown, denture, or bridge.

Incipient: Dental carries in an early stage of development, usually not requiring immediate restorations.

Incisal: Pertaining to the cutting edges of incisor and cuspid teeth.

Incision and Drain: (I and D) a sweeping incision made through the core of a lesion to allow draining of infection, and removal of any abnormal or unhealthy tissue.

Indirect pulp cap: A procedure in which the nearly exposed pulp as covered with a protective dressing to protect the pulp from additional injury and to promote healing and repair via formation of secondary dentin.

Inlay: A cast gold filling that is used replace part of the tooth.

Interproximal: The area between two adjacent teeth.

Intracoronal: The area within a crown of a tooth.

Intraoral: The inside of a mouth.


Labial: The area pertaining to or around the lip.

Lingual: The area pertaining to or around the tongue.

Local Anesthetic: The injection given in the mouth to numb the areas where a tooth or area needs a dental procedure. Often referred to as Novocain.